I am posting here a few notes about what I got from it and some notes on how I imagine some of these will affect directly in my project. If any concept that I wrote here is wrong, please, leave a comment correcting me. This would be really helpful and more than welcome!
Color Management
Data Structure and Image composition
This was one of the trickiest definitions of the presentation. In a program like Krita, which have a big amount of processing and operations done at pixels, it's expected that we should have a not so straightforward data structure.
The base class of the image components is the KisBaseNode class. It takes care of other nodes, layers and selections of the image. However this class do not have anything to do with its peers. For that, we use a KisNode, which is the parent class for Layers and Masks. Along with that, every node has a representation of it, which we call the Projection of that node. It's a rendered result of the layer, with the processed data applied. For the composition of the final image result, a multithread structure is behind each node. Then to produce the result in the parent node, the setDirty method will pass through all the way up to it.
I don't know if in the future I will need to modify or create a new layer type since the feeling of live sandpainting would need a lot of updates in the canvas. I asked that in the chat group and probably I will not need to do it. For instance, the closest feature in Krita that deals with this kind of painting is the Deform Brush. It modifies the closest pixels several times and updates the canvas after each mouse movement, so it's more or less what I wanted.
Canvas and Tool Handling
The canvas take care of the user interaction through mouse, keyboard and tablet, paints the decorations and the visible image results. It has two implementations: one based on OpenGL and another based on QPainter. I had to look directly on the code to understand this better, but i think the main reason to have two implementations is that if the user have OpenGL on his/her computer, a better perfomance widget can be used. Otherwise, the QPainter based canvas will be used. Both classes inherit from KisAbstractCanvasWidget, so both has to have the same event handling.
When we modify something with a tool, the canvas have a Tool Proxy, which manages the current tool. So, when we change from some tool to another, the native events are mapped to the newly chosen tool. Then, when the tool does a operation, it requires a canvas update so the user can get the result.
I didn't have much trouble to understand this point. Pentalis helped me a lot in this part. I even made a simple paintop modifying one of the paintops plugins in the source code. The Chalk Brush have a simple implementation and it was easy to understand the code and modify it. Most of my doubts in doing it was in the underlying structure, like how paint devices and layers worked together, but the presentation answered most of it.
Filters, Resources, Imports and Exports
These features wasn't so hard to understand. Filters have the usual concept and is applyed in a multi-threaded stateless way. It is implemented as plugins in Krita. Imports and Exports use the KoFilter class as base of the implementation and invokes KoFilterChain to do the sequence of operations to complete the conversions. Resources are managed using KoResourceServer and manages resources of one type at a time. To represent the resource itself we use a KoResource as base class.
That's it
This was what I got from the presentation. I have some notes about other questions that came after, but I believe that I have to write it with more visual details to a full undestanding about what I'm working on. My particle simulation didn't work as I was expecting and I have to spend some time debugging it. Pentalis suggested that, after the simulation is working, I write the positions updates in QImages so we could have the visual feel of the particles moving. After that, I have to formulate how I will do this visual feeling in Krita, but I believe that with this brief background I will be able to do it.
See you later!
ResponderExcluircan i translate this post and share it in my blog?
Sure, Jonathas! If you need any additional sources, just ask.
ExcluirGreat Xicón!
ResponderExcluirSend this post to Planet PSL-PI too! =D
I am with good expectatives about your project. It was cited in LaKademy report, see - http://liveblue.wordpress.com/2012/05/06/lakademy-hierarchical-edge-bundles-and-kdevelop/
Thanks e abraços!
Ok Filipe! Sendind to Planet-PSLPi now.